Social Change Media offers a web project tender authoring service to help clients write request for proposal (RFP) documents.
You need to be a web expert to know what to ask a web expert
This is a conundrum that clients writing tender documents for web development projects often face. To ask for web expertise, you need to have a significant level of this same expertise yourself. Most authors of tender documents for website development projects are not web professionals. They are not web designers, developers, information architects or consultants. Typically, they are the person that was responsible for administering the organisation's current website.
The way most clients get away with this task is to either base the tender document on a previous tender document (which more than likely will repeat the shortcomings from the previous version) or cobble together a document from a variety of sources such as the IT manager and some articles found in a web search on the subject.
Unless you have access to a professionally written, RFP authoring guide and in-house experts, you are probably going to need expert advice to help you author your tender documents.
Unless you have access to a professionally written, RFP authoring guide and in-house experts, you are probably going to need expert advice to help you author your tender documents.
Social Change Media Principal Consultant, Mark McGrath has over 17 years of experience in developing web solutions for government and non-profit organisations. Mark has provided editorial advice to many organisations on authoring RFP documents.
We offer a flexible web project tender authoring service.
We can either write a full RFP for your web development project, author particular sections, provide specific advice or edit your draft documents.
Our web project tender authoring service is charged at the following rates.
Per edit of existing page*: | $80.00 |
Per new page*: | $200.00 |
Per hour: | $140.00 |
Per day: | $1,000.00 |
Per week: | $4,500.00 |
* Based on the length of an A4 printed page.
We offer discounts on these rates to small or non-profit organisations.
Request a quote
Please request a quote if you are interested in our Web project tender authoring service.